Thursday, January 14, 2010

"Pants on the ground" is a good example

I'm sure you have heard, seen, and probably talked about the latest viral craze. The song "pants on the ground".
The Idol contestant who won't be the next American Idol. His song and story has spread across the web like wild fire. The song has already shown up on the video sites,Twitter has been a blur, and there will be links everywhere. It's a great example of how something can grow, be shared and become a topic through the social media outlets immediately. This is how viral really works.

While the tragedy still unfolds in Haiti, Twitter was and is a major part of communication and news during and after the quake. Texting for Haiti has reportedly already raised two million dollars so far.That's a good thing.

For fun or for good, this is what communication is today. Be a part of it or not, its your choice. If your business that is not involved social media, it may be time for you to think about it a little harder.

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