Saturday, October 23, 2010

Social Media ...from SPACE!

"Captain Kirk, can you "check in" from your communicator?"

This week social media took another leap for mankind as the first Foursquare check in was made from space. While it's not the first time for SMM in the stratosphere, it was pretty cool.
NASA's T.J. Creamer sent the first"tweet". Now if we can get some aliens to join in we can see just how advanced we are in space. Can you imagine how that communication would read? " you earthlings are using what? to do what?" (translated of course)
Now that astronaut Douglas Wheelock has "checked in" people can try and figure out how in the heck they can get the 'NASA Explorer' badge. You only need to be 220 miles over earth and hopefully have enough oxygen to make it while you check in. Maybe we could get the guy who sent his IPhone in space last week to try it.
Obviously the folks at Foursquare were giddy when this happened and now the "Explorer" badge will be a coveted item, but how about being the "mayor"? That might take some time.
We officially started using Foursquare as part of our social media campaigns recently, and if you don't know what its all about, I urge you to become more "check in " friendly and "check" it out.