Friday, September 2, 2011

How many people have a "smartphone?"

80 million. Yeah, 80 million, and that number is growing every day. Is your business there when they look for what you do? I mean, can someone find you from their smart phone?Maybe now is a good time to find out. Now, what are they doing with all those phones that are internet ready? Well, according to the new comScore numbers trend , they are texting, surfing, playing and searching. This is the time you should explore a mobile presence if you have a business with a website. What’s interesting is the use of mobile browsers, social media and downloaded apps. Its why some people get a smart phone. Its convient, fun, interesting and sometimes a necessity. Its a time saver, money saver and life saver all in one. You can deny it all you want, but if you dont have a strategy with your business, and you want to be there when people look, you have to have get started now.
You see, in this three month average period ending in July, 234 million Americans ages 13 and older used mobile devices. Now before you say anything about the 13 year olds, my daughter has more cash on hand right now than I do, and she isn't afraid to use it. While some of it was for fun, a lot of it is looking for something to spend money on.(This is where you come in)If you dont have a way for them to call you, find you, or see what you do...they pick someone else. So,if it's not you, in the words of Dr. Phil .."How does that make you....feel?" There is good news though. It's not too late. Linking to your social media, maps, phone numbers, reviews, specials, all are what they are looking for. So don't make them look to hard. 70% of that number up there was texting. Did you know that you could have been part of that? SMS or short message service is a great way to reach that crowd because they like it and use it everyday. So start speaking their language. Get in touch with a company that can give you both. Its affordable, easy to use, and a necessity today to stay ahead of or at least even with your competition. Are your thumbs ready? Because it looks like theirs are.

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