Tuesday, September 6, 2011

You do what with that?

I know some of you may wonder what that is. It’s a QR code or "quick response" code. I talked about a blog or so back. It's my own code. I could put it on a mail, sign, web signature, or anywhere I wanted someone to scan it and get to my blog or web page. Some of you already know apparently pretty well what it is. 14 million of us scanned one in June. According to a recent comScore survey, we seem to like it. In the store, from a magazine, or even a product package. That little bugger gets people to something instantly. After all, isn’t that what it’s all about? The survey showed most people scanned the code from magazine or newspaper. Next, was a retail store. If you have a retail store or do some newspaper or magazine, shouldn't’t you look into that? I mean, what were they looking for? They were looking to connect further, find out more, and possibly follow that brand. Make it easy for them. Getting unique insights into your audience will help you market to that target and give them what they are asking for. This mobile campaign can ultimately boost page views, followers and sales. The large part of that survey audience was 18-34, male and made a 100K a year or more. Want that kind of customer? Then speak to them on what they are using to communicate. The process is simple and if used correctly can help you and your business speak to some potential clients you may not be speaking to now. Ready to get started? It all starts with a page, some good content and a strategy. If you don't have one, seek out a professional consultant. They will guide you through the process and get you going. If your marketing partner has not offered you this or has not already implemented it in your current strategy, it may be time to look for someone else.

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